Pregnancy Updates: Bed Rest


Yey! I'm excited! My baby has reached 30 weeks gestation and that is a good thing. As I've shared in my previous pregnancy update post, I experienced bleeding because of placenta praevia marginalis (the placents is located just at the edge of the cervix). As of this writing, the placenta has actually moved even lower and is now partially covering my cervix. So now it is placenta praevia partialis. My OB has placed me on bed rest until I give birth. I can only hope that he is already over 3 lbs. One of the effects of placenta praevia is a small baby but the last time I had my ultrasound, he was just the right size for his age. Praise the Lord!

During my last pre-natal check-up, she explained a lot of things to us which just left me open-mouthed and in a daze. In order to prepare us, she said placenta praevia presents a lot of complications. First, the bleeding which I'm going through now. I cannot walk around anymore to prevent the bleeding from turning into excessive bleeding. There's also the possibility of the placenta attaching itself to my uterus which will mean that the entire uterus will have to be taken out after delivery. Worst is having the placenta attach itself beyond the uterine wall to the other organs outside. Now that's really a problem.

The thing with placenta praevia is that there's nothing much you can do about it. It's not like you can take medicines or do some kind of exercise to move it. Just like the baby in my womb, the placenta is right there and will move or do what it will by itself. The bed rest will help but it's still not a guarantee. Bleeding can just come without anything precipitating it.

But you know, the Lord is good! Despite not having anything that I can do about it, I can still rest in the knowledge that my life, my baby's life and even this placenta is in God's hand. The best thing I can do about it is to pray to the Lord that baby can reach full term inside my womb, pray that my bleeding will stop, pray that there will not be any other complications.

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
Matt. 7:7 (NLT)

I'm also giving myself and my baby a fighting chance by following doctor's orders: bed rest, medicines and vitamins for the baby's growth.


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