The Guardian Duke by Jamie Carie: Book Review & Giveaway

About the Book:
The Guardian Duke is award-winning novelist Jamie Carie’s most exciting story yet, a uniquely arranged Regency-era romantic adventure where hero and heroine know each other through written letters but have yet to meet.

Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, is ordered by the King to take guardianship over Lady Alexandria Featherstone whose parents are presumed dead after failing to return from a high profile treasure hunt. But Alexandria ignores this royal reassignment, believing her parents are still alive and duly following clues that may lead to their whereabouts. Gabriel, pressured by what are actually the King’s ulterior motives, pursues her across windswept England and the rolling green hills of Ireland but is always one step behind.
When they do meet, the search for earthly treasure will pale in comparison to what God has planned for both of them.

About the Author:
When she was six, Jamie’s parents met Jesus and soon after started a church. It changed everything. Road trips with her dad—to and from Bible studies across Indiana—were filled with talks of things beyond earth’s bounds – creation and the fall, God and Jesus and the rapture, the earthly walk compared to the spiritual walk, and how we are born for more than what we can see or touch.

The highlight of those nights was stopping at a truck stop in the middle of the night where her dad would spend a little of the offering basket on two slices of pie and a couple of Cokes. Nothing ever felt so special as a middle of the night slice of pie with her dad. And nothing could stop the writing pouring out of her.

As Jamie’s relationship with God grew, she discovered her heart was filled with songs and poetry. During high school she wrote lyrics for her brother’s band. (And she sang them too!) After college, Jamie married, had two sons and decided to stay home with them. While she homeschooled she wrote skits, poems, plays and short stories for school and church.

When her eldest son turned five she dove into the world of novels. She’d read romance novels for years, but couldn’t relate to the flawless, saintly heroines in Christian romance novels. So she decided to write her own.
Snow Angel was born on a frosty night in an old farmhouse in Fishers, Indiana, where the cold floor gave plenty of motivation for the snow scene. Jamie loves to write late at night when the house is quiet and the darkness seems alive. Elizabeth and Noah had been playacting in herhead for a long time, so the story went fast.

Ten years later Snow Angel was published and won the ForeWord magazine Romance Book of the Year winner, was a National “Best Books 2007” Awards winner, and a 2008 RITA Awards® Best First Book finalist. It was the beginning of her dream career.

Jamie and her husband Tony have been married for twenty-one years and live in Indianapolis with their three sons and a giant of a dog named Leo.

If she could only say one thing to her readers it would be, “Live the dreams God has destined you for!”

Lady Alexandria Featherstone is an independent young woman left alone by her treasure-hunting parents in their old, run-down castle. She is guarded and helped by two old married couple who are living with her. Gabriel, the Duke of Saint Easton, receives orders from the King to become official guardian of the young Lady Featherstone. He is told that her parents died while on a mission for the King. After receiving a letter from the Duke that her parents have died, Alexandria decides to embark on her own mission. She doesn't believe the news that her parents died and firmly believes that they need her help. She goes on a trip to find her parents by searching and following clues about her parents. Alexandria and Gabriel writes letters back and forth. Alexandria keeps the truth from him that she has left her castle without his knowledge. When Gabriel finally finds out, he leaves on a search for her. Unbeknownst to Alexandria, Gabriel is also fighting his own life challenge - that of becoming deaf. As they continue to write letters to each other, both have romantic ideas about each other.

The Guardian Duke is a Christian mystery and fiction book that is suitable for young teenagers to adults. The feeling I got from reading this book is that it is very gentle. The story is gently told. Gabriel treats Alexandria very gently in his letters. Alexandria shows feistiness and independent strength as she goes alone on her search. She believes in God and constantly prays for the people she loves and even tells Gabriel that she will pray for him.

While I do like the gentleness of the story, I feel sometimes it can get a little boring. Since this is a mystery, I was expecting some thrills along the way. But the thriller part is somehow lacking. I finished the book because I wanted to know if she will finally see her parents, but realized that this book is a part of a series. I'll have to wait to read the next book in the series to find out what happens next.

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Gessa Marie C said...

wow.. this one is cool. i never tried reading any christian fiction before ..well actually, im not a fan of reading yet there are times I engage myself in reading especially if the title is very interesting to read on. :)

Lizzie said...

The image covers look like Red Riding Hood. Nice giveaway. I wish I have all the time to read interesting books like this. Online casino Ireland. ###

Sumi Go said...

I haven't read this book yet, but the plot seems very interesting! Joined your giveaway, btw.. :)

TheDanGalman said...

Yes, I have read two Christian Books.

Martine | Work at Home Mom Writer said...

Lovely giveaway! Michelle, I want to say congratulations also on the birth of your new baby! Praise God.

TheDanGalman said...

I have read several Christian Fiction Books; They're written by G.P. Taylor!

TheDanGalman said...

I've read Christian Fiction Books, most of them are written by G.P. TayloR!

Jemimah C. said...

I've heard quite a lot about this book, and I find the plot to be highly interesting. I love books that are set in the Regency era! Would love to read this, too.

I have read a good deal of Christian Fiction ranging from all sorts of genres. But what I like best are the various Biblical and spiritual values, morals, and lessons incorporated within such stores.

Jemimah C.

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