Pregnancy Updates: Bed Rest is Not Easy


This week, baby turns 31 weeks old in gestation. He and I are holding on and constantly praying that we reach full term at 38 weeks. As I've shared in my previous pregnancy update post, I'm giving this the best I can by following doctor's orders of bed rest.

It may seem like such a luxury for some of you but I assure you that it is not easy. The heat here in Manila is just too much, plus we don't have airconditioning. Lying in bed in even less than an hour always makes me so sweaty all over. Then there are the aches and pains of being in just a few positions - lying on my side, lying on my back with my legs up, lounging on my side and sitting up. I'm glad to have my children keep me company but I'm also in need of adult conversation. I only get this when hubby is home and only when he is not too tired to talk. Good thing there's Facebook where I can somehow get some interaction. Everytime I see a pregnant woman on TV walking around, I just envy her!

This is why I've had to think of things I can do to help me through this period. Of course, we're still homeschooling as much as we can. Although not so much because of the children's summer activities and because we have no helper at home now. The children have to do everything for me so they're also busy at home. One of the things I began is to read the bible through from Genesis to Revelations. This is the one thing I haven't done yet. I mean I have my daily devotions but I've never tried the discipline of just reading my Bible through and through.

I googled Bible Reading Plans 8 weeks and came across this site HOW TO READ THE BIBLE. Here's a poem I'd like to share:

by Amos Wells

I supposed I knew the Bible,
reading piecemeal, hit or miss,
Now a bit of John or Matthew,
Now a snatch of Genesis;
Certain chapters of Isaiah
certain Psalms (the twenty-third),
Twelfth of Romans, First of Proverbs,
yet I thought I knew the word.
But I found a thorough reading
was a different thing to do,
And the way was unfamiliar
when I read the Bible through

You who like to play at Bible,
Dip and dabble here and there
Just before you kneel a-weary,
and yawn out a hurried prayer;
You who treat the (crown of writing)
as you treat no other book -
Just a paragraph disjointed,
Just a crude, impatient look -
Try a worthier procedure,
try a broad and steady view,
You will kneel in very rapture
When You Read The Bible Through.
The writer, Philip Green M.A., says that we should read the Bible beginning from Genesis straight through to Revelations. I learned that Bible reading and Bible study are two different things. We should schedule a reading time separate from Bible study. Four things are needed when reading the Bible:

PURPOSE - to know God and His Word better
PLAN - to read the entire Bible through in a set number of pages
SCHEDULE - reading a set number of pages (not chapters) each day to finish on a set day 
RECORD - keeping records of times read through the Bible, goals in Bible reading through, and marking a calendar each day when the set number of pages are read

I decided that I can read 30 pages of the Bible for an hour each day except Sunday, as the writer suggested. Only he said to choose a large-print Bible. I don't have a large print Bible so it takes me an hour and a half to read 30 pages. I'm surprised to find that I can finish the book of Genesis and the first 20 chapters of Exodus in just three days. Our Bible history is just so interesting that it wasn't hard for me to read everything. I'm also so blessed by seeing the faithfulness of God through the generations.

I have to admit I'm not so good at sustaining things like this for the long term. I find that it really takes discipline to decide to read the Bible everyday. With the 30 pages daily, I should have finished the Bible in 9 weeks or so. Which means that by the time I give birth, I'm almost through with it.

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