TOS Crew Review: Times Alive! by City Creek Press

Learning the multiplication table can be tiresome for some kids. I remember when I was the one endlessly memorizing numbers, it can be such a heavy load on the brain. I knew that for my kids, memorizing the multiplication table would not be so easy as well. Not only that, recalling all the facts that they memorized can also be a challenge. I am pretty sure that many children still struggle with their multiplication tables. Online casino Ireland. ###

Now, thanks to City Creek Press, who produced the Times Alive! software, children can now learn their times tables the fun and easy way. Times Alive! is based on the award-winning book Times Tables the Fun Way! by Judy Liautaud and Dave Rodriguez. My review will focus on the instant download software of Times Alive!

First of all, it was very easy to download and install the software to my PC. It did take a day or two for the download link to be sent to my email after I ordered, but I did not encounter any problems in downloading and installation.

The software opens with a warning that only kids who want to have fun should use it. That immediately draws in the user to find out how learning the times tables can be fun. It has 18 lessons in all where all the most difficult multiplication facts are taught. Each lesson has a short story that they can listen to as well as read along. Following the story is a song that will further cement the fact in the child’s memory. Then there are interesting games and quizzes for the child.

Above is a sample of the song that makes learning their multiplication facts really interesting. For more samples, please visit their youtube page here.


I had both Guitar Babe and Artsy Princess work on Times Alive! 15 year old Guitar Babe found the activities to be geared towards the younger ages BUT she did say that the way it was taught was all so annoyingly clever. Being a lover of music, she also admired how the songs included a hook, which will literally “hook” the listener to remember the songs. She said all this with a note of admiration in her voice.

Artsy Princess worked on the Times Alive! longer than Guitar Babe. She has been doing it by herself. I told her to listen to the whole lesson two times before moving on to the next lesson. At this point, she’s done until Lesson 8 and has now memorized all the facts that she went through. She said that she feels that it’s too young for her BUT that she learned a lot. She finds the games and quizzes most interesting of all. When I checked her quizzes, I did see that with every lesson, her grades have gone up continuously.

As for me, I am SOLD on the Times Alive! software. It should be a part of everyone’s homeschool and classroom because it makes learning about the multiplication tables fun and easy.

For other reviews, check out what other TOS Crewmates said about Times Alive! here.

Note: I received this software for free in exchange for a review as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew. I am not required to write a positive review.

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books.  A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured.  The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between!  Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Whitaker House (January 4, 2011)
***Special thanks to Cathy Hickling of Whitaker House for sending me a review copy.***


Dr. Myles Munroe  is   a best-selling author,  founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, a motivational speaker, and consultant for government and business. He has spent the last thirty years training leaders  worldwide in business, education, government and religion.   Dr. Munroe completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Oral Roberts University and the University of Tulsa. He is the recipient of honorary doctoral degrees from a variety of schools and serves  as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University. Dr. Munroe and his wife Ruth are the parents of two grown children and travel as a teaching team.  

Visit the author's website.


Are you walking in your unique calling? Do you know that you have an inherent, personal authority that is meant to guide your life? In his new book, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe explains that many people don’t know how to live out their dreams or find their place in the world because they don’t understand the principle of true authority. Until one discovers his or her unique, God-given areas of authority and responsibilities, he or she may spend a lifetime feeling unfulfilled or lost. Discovering one’s personal authority is the key to fulfillment and effective living, Dr. Munroe maintains. He explains not only how to discover one’s inherent authority, but to how to respond constructively to others with confidence, free of fear and intimidation. Dr. Munroe has said that he feels this book contains his most significant teaching to date.

Product Details:

List Price: $12.99
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Whitaker House (January 4, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160374262X
ISBN-13: 978-1603742627


What Is Authority?

Chapter One

Authority Is Within You

You Have Personal Authority and Power to Fulfill Your Purpose in Life

      Neither the judges nor the audience expected anything from the plain-looking, middle-aged, unemployed woman from Scotland who was a contestant on the reality television show Britain’s Got Talent in the spring of 2009. When asked what her dream was, Susan Boyle answered, “I’m trying to be a professional singer.” As she talked with the judges before her performance, they were openly skeptical, and many of the audience members rolled their eyes and shook their heads incredulously, perhaps thinking this contestant had been included for a comic element by the producers of the show. When the introductory notes of her song started to play—“I Dreamed a Dream,” from the musical Les Miserables—some audience members even looked as if they were anxiously holding their breaths, afraid that this unassuming, naive woman would humiliate herself before millions of people.

      Then, she began to sing.

      With lyrical tones, compelling emotion, and a professional delivery, she sang the song as if she had written it herself to describe her unfulfilled life up to that point and her hopes for the future. Most of the audience members were clapping, cheering, and standing when she had sung just a few lines, and she received a resounding standing ovation at the conclusion of her performance. In minutes, she went from being perceived as a joke to being considered an inspiration and a role model for all who are seeking a second chance in life, or for all who want a first chance to manifest to the world who they are on the inside.

      Susan Boyle became an international phenomenon overnight through her television appearance, the popularity of the tape of her performance on YouTube, and the overwhelming attention of the media. People were captivated by her voice and moved by her story of decades of struggling and longing to make something of her life.

      Though her instantaneous rise to fame has caused inevitable stress for her along the way, she seems to have come to terms with the crush of attention. After finishing the contest in second place, she went on to build the professional singing career she had always dreamed of. Her debut CD, I Dreamed a Dream, has sold over eight million units worldwide as of this writing. The apex of her dream came to pass when, during the historic visit of Pope Benedict XVI to England and Scotland in September 2010, she was chosen to sing for the Pontiff at the conclusion of his open-air mass in Glasgow, which was attended by 65,000 people.

      What does authority have to do with a television performance or even a singer? Doesn’t authority have to do with exercising some jurisdiction or control over other people? Doesn’t it involve, for example, leaders and followers, bosses and employees, parents and children, teachers and students, law enforcement officers and lawbreakers—in other words, those in charge and those under them who are instructed, directed, ordered, or made to do something?

Every Person on Earth Has Authority

      There is an underlying aspect of authority that has not often been acknowledged or addressed by leaders, corporations, governments, and individuals but that is crucial for effective and fulfilling human endeavor. It provides the key not only for individual accomplishment but also for corporate success.

      Susan Boyle’s story illustrates the essence of authority, as well as the heart of this book: true authority is personal, and true authority comes from within.

      Authority does not mean having power or control over others.

      Authority is not something you automatically receive with a title, either, such as “manager,” “boss,” “CEO,” or “president.”

      Personal authority is inherent within every human being, whether that person is considered the one “in charge” or the one following orders. Authority is also inherent within every living thing created on earth. It is natural. It does not have to be “worked up,” and it cannot be given to someone—only released and developed.

      Personal authority can be defined as the intrinsic gifts a person or thing possesses in order to fulfill the purpose for which that person or thing was placed on this earth. Because authority is intrinsic, every person or living thing already has the ability to fulfill his/her/its authority in the area, or the domain, of his/her/its gifting.

      You have a personal authority that enables you to fulfill your purpose on earth. Have you identified your own personal authority? If you believe you have, are you functioning in it to the fullest extent that you would like to and that you are able to?

Four Foundational Principles for Understanding Authority

      In this book, you will discover how to apply four foundational principles for understanding authority and entering into the power of your personal domain:

1. The Principle of the Author: The release of your personal authority is linked to the origin of your gifts and power, by which you can fully carry out your life’s purpose through your personal domain. Once you discover the true source of the authority that is inherent within you, opportunities for experiencing fulfillment and for contributing your unique gifts to the world will open wide.

2.The Principle of Authorization: You not only have personal authority within you, but you also have the permission and the right to carry it out in the world. No matter what your past experiences have been, or no matter what restrictions you have previously felt, you have the authorization you need to start fulfilling your life’s purpose. You’ll discover the key to that authorization in coming chapters.

3.The Principle of Authenticity: No person is truly authentic until he is manifesting his inherent authority. Once you understand and become your true self—who you were born to be—your life takes on authenticity. In other words, you are real, or authentic, while you are being who you were meant to be and doing what you were meant to do. In the following pages, you will learn how to identify and develop your authentic self.

4.The Principle of Authority: The above three principles lead to this fourth and foremost principle of authority, which is twofold. First, everyone and everything is designed to fulfill its purpose. Because your authority is inherent, you are automatically equipped to be what you have been authorized to be and to do what you have been authorized to do. You have been designed to fulfill your life’s purpose. Your personal authority guides the focus of your life and enables you to accomplish what you were born to accomplish. Second, everything depends on and must yield to something else in order to function, grow, prosper, and succeed. As you read this book, you will increasingly see how you can tap into your unique design and begin to apply it to the various aspects of your life. Your personal authority will emerge, and you will be able to live an effective life as you work in collaboration with others to fulfill each other’s purposes.

Authority Is Personal but Not Exclusive

      Because authority is in essence personal, some people make the mistake of thinking that it is therefore exclusive to them and has nothing to do with others. They may think, I’m following my personal authority, so don’t get in my way. Or, they may tend to pursue their unique gifts and abilities only for what they can get out of them. Yet that perspective does not reflect the nature of personal authority, which is designed to operate in concert with other people and for the benefit of others, as well.

      Since authority is within every person, and since humans are social beings who interact in social institutions, what happens when my authority meets your authority in the family, in the government, in the church, in the business world, and in other relationships and realms of human interaction? Authority works in such a way that people’s personal authorities are interrelated and function interdependently in corporate life. This isn’t just an observation but a vital principle: we need each other’s authority to fulfill our own.

      Personal authority is carried out in the context of many realms of life and in association with a variety of human interactions and organizations. It operates in conjunction with collective human endeavors, such as we experience in families, communities, governments, churches, nonprofit organizations, schools, small businesses, and large corporations.

      Yet none of these relationships and endeavors can truly thrive and be successful unless each individual associated with them understands his personal authority and is operating under it. Personal authority empowers each person to contribute his greatest gifts and skills for his own fulfillment and for the benefit of the whole community—no matter how large or small that community may be.

What Is Your Dream?

      What is your dream for yourself, your family, your business, your organization, or your nation? Many people don’t know how to live out their dreams or find their true place in the world because they don’t understand how to put into practice the above principles of authority. You may have some idea of your personal authority but are not fulfilling the vast potential still inside you; you recognize that you are living well below your abilities.

      What is true on a personal level is also true on a corporate level. Most of our corporate, community, and national problems come from the fact that people do not truly understand or live in their personal authorities or function in the interdependent nature of authority, which occurs when people blend their gifts to work together for the good of the whole.

Three Keys to Activating Personal Authority

      In Susan Boyle’s case, her potential to inspire and entertain people through her inherent gift of music had been limited through a series of setbacks, not the least of which was early rejection by her peers, and the low self-esteem that resulted. Apparently, as she grew older, even though she sang locally, she increasingly had a sense that life was passing her by.

      What led to the change in her circumstances?

      First, she was aware of her inherent, inner authority—her tremendous singing ability—and had not let that talent fall by the wayside but had tried to develop it as best she could. Personal authority is dependent upon your truly knowing yourself, knowing the authority inside you. It is impossible to exercise your authority if you do not know yourself.

      Second, although circumstances in her life had prevented her from having a professional singing career in the past (she had even sent demo CDs to music companies, without success), Susan tried one more time. She made a conscious decision to act on her inherent authority. In fact, she had promised her mother, who had passed away, that she would “be someone.” Her success at “being someone” was not initiated by the fame and acclaim she received but because she exercised her inherent authority—who she was gifted to be—and the world took notice. When she employed her authority, she discovered the very real power of her personal domain.

      Third, even though it was outside of her “comfort zone,” she submitted to placing herself in a situation where others could recognize her personal authority and enable her to pursue and develop it to the highest extent. Once she was willing to let that happen, her obvious talent commanded attention. The discovery of Susan Boyle’s outstanding musical gift serves as an excellent example of the nature of one’s personal authority and its interdependence with the personal authority of others. Please note carefully that I did not say her gift was created but rather “discovered.” The Britain’s Got Talent television show did not give authority to her singing gift but simply provided the stage for the release of her authority. In essence, she had always possessed the authority of her gift in the domain of singing, but she needed an audience and an opportunity to serve it to the world. Yet she almost didn’t try to be a contestant on the television program because she thought she was too old to pursue her dream. You are never too old or too young or too poor or too rich or too anything to pursue your inherent authority. What is natural within you will manifest itself if you allow it to.

Your Personal Domain

      King Solomon, one of the wisest people who ever lived, wrote, “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great” (Proverbs 18:16), and “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings” (Proverbs 22:29). Susan Boyle’s gift made a way for her—it brought her before influential people who opened doors that enabled her to fulfill the inner dreams and longings she had held all her life. Although she had already exercised her gift in various ways in her local community, there was an even greater realm in which she was meant to share it.

      Your authority also has a domain in which it is to be exercised. The size or scope of that domain, and whether you become “well-known” is not the issue. The issue is whether you will recognize what is inherent within you and exercise your gift for yourself and others. Your authority is your unique leadership ability in the world.

      Many people allow their true authority to remain untapped. They have neither discovered nor pursued their special ability to contribute to their generation. Whether one is genuinely operating in one’s gifts is not necessarily measured by outward success. Both a multimillionaire businessman and a single mother struggling to make ends meet can still have hidden, untapped authority that, once released and manifested, will bring something of tremendous value to their lives and the lives of others.

      The only way you can exercise true authority is to recognize and start functioning in the power of your personal domain.

Counterfeit and Authentic Pursuits

      When people violate the principles of authority, it is usually because they don’t have a foundational understanding of what genuine authority really is. Many individuals who have great gifts, talents, dreams, and promise have destroyed their futures by failing to implement these principles.

      For example, many people pursue prosperity or fame for their own sakes, but these pursuits are not authentic. Instead, people should be pursuing their inner authority. They will discover that when they do so, prosperity will come toward them. Our prosperity is found where our authority is.

      True authority is the right and the power to be who you were created to be. You can be a more effective parent, carpenter, hairdresser, entrepreneur, CEO, teacher, student, pastor, government official, or any other role or calling—you can be a more effective person—if you discover your true authority and understand and live out its principles.

      If you have already discovered your personal authority and are pursuing it, you can be even more effective in it by applying the principles of authority delineated in this book. You can discover how they operate and what they can do in your life and vocation as you interact with theirs in various realms of life and learn how to blend your personal authority with others’ for greater results. You’ll also learn the origins of your personal authority, why authority works, how authority works, and how to implement it.

      If the concept of personal authority is new to you, or if you have been frustrated because you know you have something to contribute to your generation but don’t feel you have been exercising your personal authority and want to be effective in it, you will find the tools you need in this book. Everyone can exercise authority because authority is within each of us.

Why Many People Are Afraid of Authority

      Although everyone has personal authority, and although all the major realms of human interaction involve the use of authority, personal authority is still one of the most misunderstood principles in human relations.

      Because of this, most people I meet are afraid of authority to some degree. You may be one of them. You may have picked up this book with some measure of apprehension. That is understandable, considering the way authority has been modeled for many of us. Most people misunderstand authority because they have never seen it in its true form. Authority has been misconceived, misdefined, misrepresented, and misused. We’re afraid of it because we don’t understand its nature and purposes. As a result, it is seen as a negative element rather than a positive one.

      You may have had a bad experience with a parent, a teacher, an employer, or another “authority figure.” You may be a woman or a member of a race or community who has been told you are inferior and who has been prevented from developing your abilities to the fullest. Perhaps you have been a victim of oppression in which religious authority was used to control your life or, even worse, a religious authority figure took advantage of your trust and mentally or physically abused you. If that is the case, your distrust, fear, and hatred of authority are understandable. Or, you may be among those who believe that only people who have a certain title or a type A personality or who reach a certain “level” in life can have authority.

      Authority as an aspect of life has been misunderstood and misused to the point that it has often become the opposite of what it was meant to be. Yet you will discover in this book that the nature of genuine authority is the antithesis of suppression and oppression and is actually the source of true freedom and fulfillment.

      In the next chapter, we’ll explore some of the distorted and restricted views of authority that people have accepted, and the misconceptions they breed, which have brought us to what I believe is an actual crisis in authority. In every country of the world, people misunderstand, misuse, or abuse authority. As a result, we have too much of the wrong kind of authority and too little of the right kind of authority. Our failure to understand authority has led to a decreasing quality in people’s lives and a lack of true order, peace, and progress in societies and cultures of the world.

What Are You Authorized to Do?

      Authority is therefore the key to fulfillment and effective living, the means to proper function in life, and the guarantor of success. Authority is the law of maximum performance. It is also the means of powerful, positive influence in other people’s lives. If authority is all of these things, then is it imperative that we all understand this critical concept? Obviously, yes.

      Unless you know what you’re authorized to do in life, you will always experience some degree of dissatisfaction, uncertainty, frustration, and perhaps even anger in regard to your circumstances. Yet, you have the opportunity, responsibility, and ability to develop your own personal authority and carry out your unique purpose in life in conjunction with others.

      You are uniquely designed for what you were born to do through your gifts, abilities, and personality. No matter what other people may have told you in the past about your potential, you can release the principles, power, and protection of authority into your life.

      Each of the following chapters is designed so that, as you proceed through this book, you will gain a more complete picture of true authority and the many applications of authority to your life that will free you to be all you were meant to be. You’ll learn about the basic realms of authority and how to live fruitfully in each.

      Through The Purpose and Power of Authority, you will come to…

recognize what true authority is—and what it is not
understand your own personal, inherent authority
discover how to identify the “territory” or area of life you are authorized to
learn the origins of true authority
gain order, simplicity, and peace in your life
respond constructively to others in their own realms of authority
exercise your intrinsic power and gifting
lead others into their own personal authority
live confidently and purposefully
be true to your life calling
maximize your gifts, talents, and skills
find true prosperity
work with joy
      Susan Boyle determined to do something with her life after years of disappointment and therefore exercised the authority within her. “I made a promise to be someone,” she said. I want you to make that same promise to be someone. That “someone” is your true self manifested to the world. Susan Boyle not only has used her authority, but she is an authority. True authority is self-manifestation.

      In the next few chapters, we will look at some foundational principles of authority that are an essential background for understanding and implementing your personal authority.


Professor Anna Lyze is back again, this time with a fun unit study on the PUFFER FISH - The Curiosity Files: Explorations with Professor Anna Lyze, Expert in Outlandish Oddities – PUFFER FISH.

First of all, I have to say that I feel blessed after reading for review The Curiosity Files. The creators of this unit study, Heidi Strawser and her group of researchers, have provided for us a complete a complete unit study on the puffer fish. This 79 page ebook is filled to overflowing! Who would have thought that creating a unit study on puffer fish will also lead your students to learn so much more? Here’s a look at some of the things your child will learn:

  • Bible study on fear
  • Information on puffer fish with test for both younger and older students
  • Learning about ordinal numbers, measurement, multiplication, time, exchange rates, word problems
  • Language & Grammar – nouns, combining sentences, spelling and vocabulary, copywork for print and cursive
  • Science Lab – creating your own puffer fish
  • History – drawing puffer fish, making a lithograph, creating a mini-timeline
  • Arts and Crafts – divided into projects for 3-6 year olds and 8 years old and above
  • Lapbooking
  • Music
  • Booklist and online list for learning more about puffer fish

Apart from some of the materials needed for the science lab and crafts, everything is provided for the homeschool mommy. There’s no more need for mom to spend hours researching this topic. It is the simplest thing to purchase this unit study, download it to your computer, print it and start teaching. The information provided is easy enough for the younger child to understand but also hefty enough for the older students. The best thing still for me, though, is that as the child studies this and finishes it, she will have an appreciation of the special ways in which God has created every one of His creations.

· Answer keys are also included

Note: I have been provided a free copy of this material by the publisher in exchange for my review. I am not required to write a positive review. ( I just really like this!)

TOS Crew Blog Walk Week 13

blog walk project

Have you been following my Blog Walks? I know I have and in the process, I’ve discovered so many gems in the blogging world of homeschooling. Here are 10 more blogs to check out for yourselves, and discover how other families go through their own homeschooling journey.

Click on each of the blog titles, visit for awhile and leave your comments.

1. Clark Clan Craziness
2. Doxazo Prep Academy
3. My Elastic Life
4. Fun in the Sun
5. A Teaching Heart
6. Mindful Ramblings
7. Simple Thoughts
8. Joy in Our
9. Crazy Homeschool Mama
10. Walking Home

And We’re Off!

My sister and I are going off on vacation starting today. I am so excited to do this because it will be just the two of us. The last time we went on vacation together was about ten years ago. It’ll be a great time to just bond, see our relatives and go places.

19661_234062817880_633502880_3204576_1362071_n 11632_187725502880_633502880_2957484_4965438_n

The funny thing is that I can’t seem to decide what to pack. It feels so much harder now that I’m packing only for myself and not for the whole family. Oh, what to bring and what to leave home? Hehe! Digicam – check. Phone chargers – check. Bible and books – check. What I can’t decide is if I should bring my laptop or not. Sigh, well, we’ll see what happens.

Facing My Reality – Going on a Weight Loss Journey

When my pulmonologist diagnosed me with asthma (read about it here), one of my very first questions to him was “How can I help myself, doc?” His straight answer was, “Lose weight. That would really help you.” Phew! That struck me right in the gut. Now my weight is staring me in the face and forcing me to take a good look at it.

Before I go on my weight loss journey, I’d like to share with you how I looked like before gaining weight. Here are some photos of when I was still in my teens.

6131_1049955903929_1676690913_98046_8318863_n This was taken the year before we got married.


I’m the one with the long hair flying – this one was taken when I was still in college.

6131_1050256631447_1676690913_98628_7780851_n  This is the picture I used when I applied for jobs after graduation.

Can you believe that’s me? I’m so little or I can say, I’m only half the woman I am today. Sadly, at that time, because of my curvy shape, people constantly told me that I’m fat. Now I look at these pictures and wonder, I know I’m not skinny but I’m not fat either.

Because of the constant pressure by my family and friends to keep my weight down, I was always watching what I ate and I exercised all the time. However, because of my body’s naturally round shape, I always looked like I had a few more pounds to lose. Others in my family called it baby fat. So even if I looked quite healthy and well, even as a teenager, I already believed that I am fat.

Considering my size now, it’s hard to believe that I thought myself fat in the past.

62582_402773538238_699593238_4382325_1986422_n Photo courtesy of J. Tanael

But if you tell me now that I’m fat and overweight, now I would agree with you. A warning, though, if you do see me in person, the thing I hate most is being told how fat I am.

Well, at this point, I’m still figuring out how I can lose weight. Being put on a low sodium diet has helped. I have lost a bit of weight since I came home from the hospital. I know I need to do more, I just don’t know, at this point, how to go about it. I’m wondering if there is a weight loss support group here in Manila. If there is, could you leave me a comment here?  I’d appreciate it.


The creativity of the people behind The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has not wavered, especially with their current ebook, The Curiosity Files: Explorations with Professor Anna Lyze, Expert in Outlandish Oddities – THE DUNG BEETLE.

The Curiosity Files feature Professor Anna Lyze, the expert in outlandish oddities. She specializes in those subjects that you would not normally study. Professor Anna Lyze teaches her students in a very creative and fun way. Her teaching is very easy to understand and takes several methods: worksheets, games, lapbooking, copywork, nature journaling. She considers almost every kind of learner there is and presents the subject according to how a learner can absorb the lesson the most.

What I truly appreciate the most is the way the creators of this unit study on DUNG BEETLES point to God’s amazing creations. The study itself is very detailed while at the same time, being child-friendly. With this one unit study, you can teach your child or multiple children
  • measuring by inches
  • the history of using dung beetles as jewelry in Egypt
  • arts and crafts with dung beetles
  • vocabulary for both lower and higher grade schoolers
  • physical education mimicking the dung beetle’s actions

This is truly an amazing unit study created by Heidi Strawser and Amy Christy with a group of able researchers behind them. Of course, the other benefit to this is that you can purchase this book from The Old Schoolhouse Store and use it as soon as you download it to your computer. The Curiosity Files: Explorations with Professor Anna Lyze, Expert in Outlandish Oddities – THE DUNG BEETLE can be used for children from preschool to high school.

Notice: I received this ebook for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am not required to write a positive review.

FREE Funnix Reading Program


This will be a quick one as I would like you all to just go ahead and get this FREE Reading Program ASAP.

The Funnix Reading Program is available for FREE this January 2011. That is two years worth of beginning reading lessons, complete with workbooks and teacher’s guide.

From the website:
The program is designed by the world's most successful creator of instructional materials, Siegfried (Zig) Engelmann, a maverick professor of Education who has authored many books, including Give Your Child a Superior Mind, and highly successful reading programs like Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

Engelmann says of Funnix,"Teaching the lessons requires a lot less effort, and the lessons are more entertaining. Also, the program consists of 220 daily lessons, so it takes kids farther than most beginning-reading programs-- from being non readers to reading on the third-grade level."
Click the link below to go to the website and register for the FREE download:

TOS Crew Blog Walk

blog walk project

Did you know that there are as many ways to homeschool as there are homeschool families? Yes, there are. And I’m not talking about the methods of homeschooling here, such as Charlotte Mason, unschooling, lapbooking or the like. I am talking about the lifestyles of families that homeschool.

Check out the following blogs of my fellow TOS Crew Mates and see for yourself that homeschooling for every family is different – totally. And let go of that mentality that another mom does it better than you.

Be warned – every blog has so much. You’ll want to have a cup of coffee with you as you go through each one. Enjoy!

1. Learning Legacy
2. The Blessings Pour Out
3. Taylor's Mark Orthodox Academy
4. A Day in the Life
5. Pecan Prairie
6. Musing Grace
7. Milk and Honey Mommy
8. Adventures in Unsell Land!
9. Modest Mama
10. Orange Marmalade Mama

Book Review: Surviving One Bad Year by Nancie Carmichael


I have to admit that when I saw Surviving One Bad Year – Spiritual Strategies for when Life Goes Terribly Wrong by Nancie Carmichael, I felt that it was not something that I can relate to. The reason for this being that I did not think that I had a bad year. When I picked it up to read it, I couldn’t believe how wrong my first impression of Surviving One Bad Year has been.

This book is made up of two sections. The first section deals with the immediate actions the author suggests you take when you go through a really bad situation such as a death in the family, or a traumatizing experience. The second section deals with what you can do to help yourself through a hard time for the long term. This addresses the problems we face that go on for years and years. 

Author Nancie Carmichael writes compassionately about this subject, pulling from her own family experiences of grief, troubled emotions, losing a loved one to adoption. It is interspersed with stories of other people who has gone through some severe life problems and got through it.


I have not regretted that I started reading this book. It was not until I started reading it that I realized that I did go through some really bad times in the past that I probably had not processed enough. I found myself in tears many times as I read. Ms. Carmichael is encouraging, her suggestions are Biblically correct and practical. She constantly leads you in finding the Lord in those hard times. I think the most important thing that I got from reading this book is to decide to keep on with your life. That even the most difficult of circumstances need not overcome us, but with the help of God, the support of others, and a lot of prayers, we can make it through.

Note: I have been given a free copy of this book by Bring It On! Communications in exchange for my honest review. All opinions herein are mine. I did not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for this review. However, there are affiliate links within the post. Should you decide to purchase this item through my link, my family will be blessed with a percentage of that purchase. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Review: Glamour On the Runway by Melody Carlson

Bestselling teen fiction author Melody Carlson returns with more drama for the Forrester sisters in


Ever since reading Spotlight, Guitar Babe and I have looked forward to this next book of the On the Runway series by Melody Carlson. GLAMOUR, book 5 of the series, continues with the sisters busy preparing for their mother’s wedding and their trip to the Bahamas to film their popular reality-TV show.

While Paige is leading in the wedding preparations, Erin finds out that their TV director, Fran, is sick with leukemia. Fran confides this to Erin with the condition that she has to keep it a secret. What can Erin do to help Fran?

In the meanwhile, Paige is high with love because of her recently announced engagement to designer Dylan. Erin doubts that this is true love but Paige seems to be so happy.

More drama ensues when they go to the Bahamas to film their TV show during Fashion Week with the very sick Fran. In the Bahamas, the threat of an incoming hurricane keeps them in the hotel and cancels much of the Fashion Week shows. The presence of Dylan with Paige also causes tension among the sisters. The story ends quite dramatically.


As usual, Melody Carlson does a good job of describing the feelings of a young Christian girl caught up in all this drama. I appreciate that we see how Erin actually matures in this story as she strives to help those she loves. Here in GLAMOUR, we’ll see how Erin matures emotionally while dealing with several issues in her life all at once: her self-centered sister, her bestfriend's pregnancy and delivery, a friend's illness and not the least of all, her love life. We’ll also read how she learns to trust in the Lord for the lives of those she cares for.

I am so looking forward to getting to know Paige Forrester better as she is portrayed as someone who is just so self-focused. I hope that her character is developed further in the next series of books.

GLAMOUR  is set for release on March 2011 and can be purchased here:

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Zondervan Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Trying Out a New Recipe: Pasta St-Sauver by One Roast Vegetable

Okay, this is a first for Beyond The Silver and The Gold – to try out a new recipe and write about it here. Of course, it’s not new to try recipes because I love to cook for my family. What’s new is that I’ll be blogging about it. So here it goes…

Shelley of One Roast Vegetable sent me one of her new recipes to try out. For those of you who don’t know, Shelley  encourages people to eat more vegetables. She doesn’t necessarily promote vegetarianism, but just to add more veggies to the diet.
Here is my version of the Pasta St-Sauver by One Roast Vegetables:


This recipe calls for zucchini, cherry tomatoes, broccoli and asparagus and red pepper flakes to season. After a thorough search of a local and large supermarket, I couldn’t find cherry tomatoes, zucchini and pepper flakes. I had the feeling that I couldn’t find the zucchini because I didn’t know what it looked like! I’m almost tempted to go to a pizza parlor and ask for some of their pepper flakes when I saw the price of a small bottle of it in the store.

On hindsight, I wish I had tried to use some of the ordinary tomatoes that we find in our stores, but because I was bent on those cherry tomatoes, I didn’t think to replace it with those. I did purchase fresh broccoli and asparagus.

The cheese sauce was made out of melted cream cheese.

I deviated from the instructions (as I usually do) by blanching the broccoli first to make sure that it comes out soft. I like her recipe instructions, it is thorough and comes with step-by-step pictures. The pictures really made a difference making the cooking process easy.

My kids, who are used to tomato sauce and meat-based pasta, were excited to try out this new cooking. It warmed my heart that they all had seconds of the pasta, although they did comment that the sauce was just a bit sour. My husband liked it, too, although he did splash some hot pepper sauce on it first which I thought is a good alternative for those pepper flakes.

Thanks, Shelley, for letting me be a recipe tester!

If you would like to learn more ways on adding vegetables to your daily diet, sign up for her emails here. And for her FREE Freezer Cooking Class, check out this post.

Meet Pooky The New Kid,  written and illustrated by Ms. Domonique Mayhawk is the story of a charming little girl who loved her life in Detroit. She had many friends with whom she played with all the time. She loved her school, the street parties on her block, she loved getting wet from the fire hydrant and playing in old abandoned homes with her friends. She loved everything in Detroit. The she and her mom moved to Ann Arbor.

The move to Ann Arbor was scary for little Pooky. What will her school be like? What kind of teacher will she have? Will she be able to make friends? Will they play with her? Will it be just like what it was in Detroit?

These are the thoughts that Pooky will face in the book. It is interesting and inspiring to read how Pooky will be able to adjust to her new life in Ann Arbor.


Author and Illustrator Domonique Mayhawk did a great job with the whole book. The illustrations are all very charming and appealing to both the young and old. The story is well-written and it was good to see how Pooky was able to adjust to her life in Ann Arbor. This story is actually culled from the real-life story of the author when she also moved from Detroit to Ann Arbor as a young child. This makes the whole story realistic and relatable.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it, especially the illustrations which I find very refreshing and unique. It’s a good read not only for those who are moving from one place to another, but also for children who may be moving into a new school, or a new church, where they will be challenged with making new friends and adjusting to a new environment. Parents and caregivers will also benefit from reading this book to know how to help their own children adjust to new environments.

You can see some excerpts of Meet Pooky The New Kid here.

Note: I received this book for free from the author in exchange for my review. I am not required to write a positive review.

Finding Out About My Asthma

As I write this post, I am in my hospital bed. I’ve been in the hospital for the last three days where I have been diagnosed with adult onset asthma. Bummer! Allergies have been in my family and I’ve been dealing with my children’s allergies for years. So it’s not a surprise, really, that I should develop it. What surprises me is that I got it in adulthood. As it turns out, there is adult onset asthma.

I haven’t been feeling well since Christmas last year, but with all the rush and the busyness, plus with my kids also with coughs and colds, I failed to focus on my own illness. I did go to an internist who prescribed me with antibiotics. I finished two different rounds of antibiotics but was not feeling any better.

Last Thursday morning, I had my usual breakfast of cereal with milk. The milk, however, was not the brand that I used to buy. Right after eating, I had a coughing fit which caused me to vomit all that I ate. I wasn’t nauseous at all, but it was the severity of the coughing that made me vomit. Feeling quite bad after that, I decided to rest and take it easy for the day.

I’ve been lying down and just resting the whole day, but I still did not recover. In fact, I felt worse. I had difficulty breathing and my back had such a tight feeling. Guitar Babe finally told me that I should go to the hospital because I looked bad.

I called up hubby from work and asked him to meet us at the hospital. When there, they told me that my CBC did not show any infection (it should because I’ve been on antibiotics for two weeks), and that my chest x-ray was clear. The doctor recommended that I go home. Hubby was ready to take me home but I persisted. I asked the doctor, if all those tests show that I’m fine, where is this dry, hard cough coming from? And why did I feel so bad?

The ER doctor agreed to admit me and referred me to a pulmonologist. After going through several tests eliminating that my difficulty in breathing did not come from a heart problem, I had a Pulmonary Function Test. This test involved several breathing exercises into a machine where they measure my breathing capacity. I became so exhausted after this test which the therapist said was not normal.

The test finally confirmed that I had asthma.

At first, I felt grief in my heart that I should have this illness. I’ve seen my sister suffer through asthma and I got scared. After awhile, I then realized that it’s such a good thing that I insisted to be checked and did not agree to be sent home. Otherwise, it would have been very bad for me if the asthma had still gone unchecked.

Yesterday, I had another asthma attack and hubby and I didn’t even know it. I just knew that I couldn’t breathe well and felt really bad. In the afternoon, they finally placed me on oxygen which helped a whole lot.

Well, I’m still in the process of processing this whole thing. The doctor told me that weight loss is a major help in managing this. I’ll have to stop making excuses now and finally face the reality of taking care of this body of mine.

The doctor is finally releasing me today. I can go home and I’m so looking forward to being with my children again.

Shhhhhh CurrClick has a secret...

(My apologies for posting the wrong link here before. The new link will definitely take you to the right page. Thanks for coming back!)

It's a secret, but it's a very big secret. Go to the link below to find out more about Currclick's Winter Whisper Sale!

Currclick has some great FREEBIES, too! Make sure to read through the whole page to get to their FREEBIES page.

Hurry! This secret ends on January 19th!

Imua by Margaret McSweeney

A great Hawaiian saying is "Imua!" which means to move forward with confidence and courage. It's a great word for the upcoming new year as we explore new opportunities and perhaps face fears.

This week, I put into practice "imua" by facing my fear of ziplining. Yes, I stepped off a wooden platform to soar across 1800 feet of the world's fifth largest caldera located in Kauai. Encouraged by my teenage daughters, I faced my fear of not being in control of my destiny and took a leap of faith.

The excellent guides, Mitch and Chris of Outfitters Kauai prepared us well for our ultimate "black diamond" zipline adventure. We did several practice runs on what I thought were "big ziplines" but little did I know what was really awaiting. The guides constantly reminded us that the most important lesson we all needed to learn to be safe was to "trust our gear."

True wisdom that I needed to hear. For too long in life, I have "held on tightly" when what I should have done was to "let go and let God." He provides "the gear" that we need to sustain us through the difficult moments of life as we soar across jungles.

So I guess my advice would be this: "Face your fear and trust God's gear." IMUA!!

What fear do you need to face this year? What have you been holding on too tightly? What does "imua" mean to you?

Margaret McSweeney is the founder of Pearl Girls (, the host of Kitchen Chat (, and an author. Her book, Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace, was published in 2009. Margaret is fast at work on a fiction manuscript (or three) and can be found blogging at From Finance to Fiction (

12 Pearls of Christmas 2010 - Winner Announced!

Thank you to everyone who have been following the 12 Pearls of Christmas on this blog. The winner of the Pearl necklace set has been announced. To find out who it is and for further instructions, please check out the Margaret McSweeney's Pearl Girls blog here.

Happy New Year!!! Welcome 2011!!!

I love this celebrating the New Year! When I was a child, it was being able to stay up late and waiting till midnight to watch the fireworks outside our home. As I grew into an adult, I would usually spend the waiting time writing or sometimes just thinking about my new year's resolutions. Of course, growing up, I've come to realize that New Year's resolutions are only great for the first few weeks of January, then it's back to the same old habits.

Still, I love New Years! It's not just about writing those resolutions. It's about being able to recall the past, the good and the bad, and knowing that all that is past now. Now is another year to keep doing the good that you have been doing in the past. But more importantly, the new year is our God-given  opportunity to grow from past mistakes, to correct what we have done wrong. New Year is about hope - the hope that God always makes available to everybody.

The best thing about placing our hope in God, is that we don't have to wait for the start of every new year to start over again, to do better or to change our ways. Every morning, I wake up and look out of my bedroom window, I thank the Lord over and over for the sun that shines outside. I thank Him for his mercies are new every morning. Every day, I can hope again. I can forget my yesterdays, and do better today.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
      His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
      his mercies begin afresh each morning.

                                                 Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

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