Who Is In Control?

One day, my fellow homeschooling moms and I were having a conversation about our children. During the course of this conversation, it suddenly dawned on me that maybe one of the reasons why we homeschool is really because we wanted control. Speaking for myself, it’s not that I wanted to control my children, it’s that I wanted to control the environment where my children are growing up in. If I can take away the daily pressure on the whole family to get everyone ready for school, I would and I did. If I can protect my children from negative experiences in school such as bullying, peer pressure, bad influences, I would and I already am. Online casino Ireland. ###

If you think about it very well, even if we parents did our best to control the things surrounding our children, do we really have control over their lives? Parents work hard to make sure that their children get the best out of life. We do this to try to ensure that they will have a good future. In the end though, it is the child who will eventually grow up and start making his own decisions. We can only hope and pray that our children will grow up with wisdom to choose and make the right decision.

But that is not all. We have to remember that even before God created these children, He already had plans for each one of them.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
      and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
      Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
      as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
      Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
  before a single day had passed

Psalm 139:13-16 NLT

Isn’t it great that we can rest in God’s promise that He has already laid out every moment of our children’s lives even before each of them were born? This means that He is truly the One in control. He planned every day of their lives. Even if we sometimes fear that we have not done enough, have not given them enough, have not taught them enough, we can be assured that God will take care of them. Our role as parents is to teach them, to love them, to guide them, to tell them about God, to do these things as best as we can. The rest, we can leave it all to God.

Yes, we can control what we can. But we must always remember that there is One who is in control, not only of our children’s lives, but also of our own lives.


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