I have not been posting as much as before. Nor have I been writing my usual reviews. But I'd like to tell you all what I've been up to for the last two months.

Well, I've been working, from home, that is. After Zac died last June, our family incurred a huge debt. Zac had been delivered via caesarian section and I had to have a complete hysterectomy. Add to that Zac's one month stay in the NICU. That alone was already quite a lot of money spent.

Then Zac was confined in the Pediatric ICU for five days before he finally succumbed to death, and that's another big expense.

That time, the Lord provided us so much already through the financial help of family and friends. A lot gave generously, but we still had a huge bill to pay which resulted into debt.

So after that, I decided to look for an online job. Not long after Zac died, an online friend posted on Facebook that she was looking for a Social Media Strategist and that this is a home-based position. Even though I was not at all experienced in Social Media, I went ahead and wrote to her. We met in real life for the interview, then I had an online interview with our American boss  and after a week or so, someone from the office called me with a job offer!

I've been working full time from home for the last two months, getting to know my job better, acclimating myself to the WAHM life, homeschooling my kids, and managing the home. The blogging is the first to go, at this point. It was a choice between blogging and homeschooling, so I chose to homeschool first.

In the meanwhile, ideas for blog posts are swimming around in my head and these need to be released. I'd like to expand my blog to write more about the lessons I've been learning as a wife and mother and even as a grieving mother.

Well, these will come soon. A blog redesign is also in the plan and I am excited to unveil these. Hopefully, I can launch my new and exciting blog by the New Year 2013! I hope that all my current followers will still follow my new blog and that I gain more followers.

God bless us all! Online casino Ireland. ###


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