TOS Review: Kid Scoop’s Reluctant Reader Solution



If you have been following my blog, you would know that I’m a wide reader. When I had children, it was important to me that my children grow up with a love for reading. At this point, I can say that both my older kids have inherited my reading habits – the good and the bad. I say this because I don’t like reading the newspaper. So both Guitar Babe and Artsy Princess are not reluctant readers, but reading the newspaper was the one thing that I was unable to pass on. How can I when I can’t model it for them?

Kid Scoop’s Reluctant Reader Solution became the solution for that. The Reluctant Reader Solution comes in two parts:

Part 1 – The Reluctant Reader Solution E-book: A downloadable PDF File

This massive e-book is filled with 365 worksheets that your child can use for the whole year. Every set is 5-7 pages and is in newspaper format. It is in black and white for economical printing. Each worksheet is based on one high-interest topic and is filled with fun puzzles, short articles, great graphics, math activities and vocabulary builders. The worksheets are designed to spark interest in the child in a fun way. Learning truly happens while the children are having fun. Online casino Ireland. ###

There was one particularly stressful day for me when the children were just teasing each other to tears. I was at my wits end which lead to some screaming (by me) and more tears (by the children). A few days later, I checked out my Reluctant Reader Solution E-book and found a topic about teasing. I printed two copies for my children and we spent time reading through it and discussing it. It was good because instead of me sermonizing down to the kids, we had a discussion about teasing. Guitar Babe did feel that the activities were too young for her, but the topic was relevant.

Part 2 – The Reluctant Reader Solution Online Newspaper for Kids

This online newspaper was something that sparked much interest and provided fun for Artsy Princess. This is the monthly subscription to Kid Scoop News. Kid Scoop News can be read online or may be printed out.


The online version is just like reading an actual newspaper online complete with the flipping sounds of turning pages. Each Kid Scoop News can be downloaded and saved to your PC in PDF. It also features an audio for kids who may want to have it read to them. I didn’t like the audio, however, because of its robotic quality.

The better option would be to print it out so that the child can do all the pencil activities. Artsy Princess definitely enjoyed the Kid Scoop News and says “They make reading the newspaper not boring. I’d like to have this every month, Mom.”

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The Kid Scoop’s Reluctant Reader Solution can be purchased for the price of $97.00. This price is for both the ebook and the monthly subscription to Kid Scoop News. The best part about this is that the owner is offering a one-year, full money-back, no questions asked, guarantee.

If you are not yet sure, you can also check out the Kid Scoop website and sign up for the FREE 30 Awesome Exercises and Ideas to Make Reading Fun. Once you sign up, you will get in your inbox, for the next 30 days, a daily delivery of different activities to encourage your children to read the newspaper. The activities are all fun and easy, the children won’t even notice that they are already reading a newspaper!

To find out how my other TOS Crewmates reviewed this product, please visit our TOS Crew Blog.

Disclosure: I received this product for free as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew in exchange for this review.


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